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The Productive Leadership Style: A Guide to Finding the Best Approach

Updated: Jan 11

red Paper goose leading 7 other geese

Aspiring and established leaders both face a wide range of challenges that can be daunting to navigate. From managing teams and making difficult decisions to adapting to rapidly changing environments and maintaining a strong sense of vision, there's no shortage of obstacles that leaders must overcome. It doesn't have to be a challenge to find the right approach for each unique circumstance, instead use the appropriate types of leadership styles that may suit different types of situations and personalities.

leaders also often face external pressures such as competition, market trends, and societal changes that can have a significant impact on their leadership strategies. Despite these challenges, successful leaders are able to rise to the occasion, adapt to change, and continue to inspire their teams to achieve greatness. In the following paragraphs, we'll explore some of the specific challenges that leaders face and discuss strategies/ styles for overcoming them.

A great leader is someone whose actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more.

Leadership is an art that not everyone can master. What does it take to be a great leader? According to John Quincy Adams, a great leader is someone whose actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more. As a business coach, I can tell you that leadership is not a one-size-fits-all approach. There are different strategies for different personalities, but the goal is the same - to inspire people to become their best selves.

Before we answer the question of what are the 4 types of leadership that you need to know about? Let's take a closer look at the 4 C's of leadership.

What are the 4 C's of leadership?

Character, Charisma, Competence, and Communication.

First, let's talk about Character. What makes character the foundation of good leadership. It encompasses integrity, honesty, and accountability. A leader with strong character will lead by example and inspire trust in their team.

Next up is Charisma. Charisma is the ability to inspire and motivate people. A charismatic leader has a magnetic personality that attracts people to them and get them interested in their goals. They have the power to influence and persuade others to follow their vision.

Competence is the third C of leadership. A competent leader is constantly working on acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary to lead their team to success. They are experts in their field and are able to make informed decisions that benefit their goals and the team.

Last and equally important, Communication is the key to effective leadership. A leader who can communicate their vision clearly and inspire their team to take action is an unstoppable leader. They are able to listen actively and give constructive feedback.

Leader Pictogram surrounded by his group

I understand that every leader has different goals. Some leaders want to achieve higher profit margins and success for their company, while others want to inspire people to do better and be better. Some want to achieve greatness, while others want to raise awareness about important issues. And there are visionary leaders who can see possibilities that others cannot.

No matter what your goal is as a leader, practicing the 4 C's of leadership can help you achieve it. With strong character, charisma, competence, and communication skills, you can inspire your team to greatness.

What are 4 types of leadership?

Understanding the four main types of leadership can be incredibly helpful for aspiring and established leaders alike. Let's take a closer look at each type and what it entails.

The Authoritative,

Autocratic Leadership;

Autocratic leaders have a highly centralized approach to decision-making, and they tend to make decisions without input from their team members. This type of leadership can be effective in situations where quick decision-making is necessary or where there is a clear hierarchy of authority. However, it can also lead to disengaged team members who feel undervalued and powerless.

Democratic Leadership;

Democratic leaders prioritize collaboration and seek input from team members before making decisions. This approach can lead to more engaged and empowered team members, as well as more creative solutions. However, it can also lead to indecision or a lack of direction if the leader is unable to make a decision or gain consensus.

Laissez-Faire Leadership;

Laissez-faire leaders take a hands-off approach, allowing their team members to make most of the decisions. This type of leadership can be effective in highly skilled teams or when team members are highly motivated and self-directed. However, it can also lead to a lack of direction or accountability if team members are unsure of what is expected of them.

Transformational Leadership;

Transformational leaders inspire their teams to achieve greatness and create a shared vision that everyone can work towards. This type of leadership can lead to highly motivated and engaged team members who feel valued and inspired. However, it can also be challenging to maintain a consistent vision or to create buy-in from team members who may have different priorities or goals.

What is the best leadership style?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to what the most helpful and productive leadership style is, as it largely depends on the situation, the team, and the organization's goals. However, many experts* suggest that a combination of leadership styles can be effective in achieving success.

One popular leadership framework that combines different styles is the Situational Leadership Model. This model suggests that effective leaders should be able to adapt their leadership style to the situation and the needs of their team members.

This model holds 4 pillars Directing, Coaching, Supporting, and Delegating.

Directing; This style is best suited for new or inexperienced team members who require clear guidance and direction.

Coaching; This style is best for team members who have some knowledge and experience but still require support and guidance from their leader.

Supporting; This style is best for team members who have the skills and experience to complete tasks independently but may require some encouragement and positive reinforcement.

Delegating; This style is best for highly experienced team members who require little direction and can complete tasks autonomously.

When the situational model is combined with the transformational leadership model it can be quite an effective recipe. Focusing on inspiring and motivating team members to reach their full potential, encouraging creativity and innovation, and fostering a positive work environment. Transformational leaders often lead by example and prioritize team development, which can lead to increased productivity, job satisfaction and ultimately profits.

If you're ready to take your leadership skills to the next level, consider working with one of our coach. A coach can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses as a leader, and provide you with the necessary tools and support you need to achieve your goals faster. Schedule a free 50-minute coaching session with us and let's start working together to help you unleash your true potential, and step into the best leader you can be.


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