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Presenting  All NEW Program

Happy Couple in a loving relationship, coached by top relationship experts

Transform ↗ 
Your Relationship

Effective Relationship Help Beyond Couples Therapy

Relationship - Intimacy and fulfillment acted out by a couple of happy coaching clients

Transform      Í¢

Become The Couple You Were Always Meant to Be

When... will you become the couple, you were always meant to be?

When... will the world experience the true greatness that lies within your relationship?

When... will you step up for this relationship?


It’s time... to wake up to who you truly are.

It’s time... to transform dreams into action.

It’s time... to stop settling for anything less and make today the start of

your best year ever.

It’s time... to reach your next level, so you can do more, create more, share

more, and give MORE.


Your “when” is ....  NOW.

It’s time to make a difference.

Transformation Doesn’t Have to Take Decades

We’ve proven relationship transformation can happen in an instant, when you immerse yourself to create that change. During these meetings with Joseph you will... 


Accelerate Your Journey Knowing You Are on the Right Path

Get the brand new 7-step system to clarify your relationship vision, verify your path and accelerate the journey that’s meant for you.


Design a “Relationship Results Plan” To Make This Year Your Best Year Ever

Go from broad intentions to concrete actions that fill you with the confidence you need to stay committed.


Uncover and Break Through What’s Held You Back in the Past

Gain critical insights into what’s held your relationship back in the past, redesign your future and make the necessary shifts to take your relationship to the next level.


Discover the Identity Shift That Will Empower Your Authentic Self

Embrace and elevate the transformation of your exceptional self, crafting a relationship beyond ordinary and stepping into what you are truly capable of becoming.


Maximize Your Potential with Proven “Science of Relationship Growth” Tools

Get the #1 scientifically backed strategy to rapidly achieve significant relationship leaps in brief yet potent intervals and exponentially speed deeper connection and intimacy

It’s Time For A Fresh Perspective, Fresh ReStart, Fresh You

Get personalized support focused on your specific relationship needs. Joseph will offer insights and strategies honed to excel in areas where traditional therapy might not suffice. Through this unique approach, we address the complexities and nuances of your relationship dynamics that may have been challenging in a therapy setting, or for those who are not interested in therapy at all.



Brings a fresh start, a new perspective, new actions, and new results. It's exciting, fun, and energizing. This is going to be YOUR relationships breakthrough and fresh start.


You may think, I should wait and all will resolve itself. So, what could possibly go wrong?

The reality, however, is stark. About 50% of people give on their relationships.

Most people talk more about their dreams and goals for their relationships and lives than following through achieving them.

We’re inviting you to join the few who do, not just those who talk. It starts with a 30 mins conversation – and not just any conversation. This session is backed by science and proven strategies that helped people just like you worldwide. If you're willing to commit just 30 mins, you will get your Relationships results plan for free.

Coach/ Instructor

Meet the expert guide that will help you reclaim your relationship.
Joseph Grace, Leading Relationship coach and family dynamic stratigiest

Joseph Giras

Joseph is a leading relationship strategist, Husband to his loving wife for 24 wonderful years, Father, Educator, Entrepreneur, and an investor.


" It is my mission to serve and be a catalyst for positive change in the individual, family, businesses and society" Joseph Giras

If Not Now, When?

Can we agree that sometimes relationships seems to go a bit crazy?


When you get in disagreements, or arguments, it could feel as if we're living in a time warp. It's as though we're moving backwards rather than forwards.


Yet, this turmoil has become the new normal for many of us.


In times like these, there is a critical need for one of the couple to become a leader—those who not only awaken their true selves but also inspire their partner to—becomes clear.


It's not just about recognizing the chaos; it's about rising above it.

During your free session, Joseph will share strategies and tools designed to help YOU realign.


You'll discover how to claim your true self, relationship and step into the massive opportunities this new found clarity offer you, now that you know where to look.


This is more than a “free session.” It's a wake-up call to embrace your relationships potential... to level up yourself, your relationship and those around you.

Are You Going to Step Up or 
Are You Going To Stay In Place?

Whether you have a great relationship but want more or you’re tired of the status quo, this program is for YOU.


Here’s what you’ll get at your FREE Session...


  • 30 Mins solutions packed training session with Joseph Grace, the Texas’s #1 growing life and business strategist.


  • Proven systems to elevate your relationship all areas of your life (modeled on the most successful relationships from people in every conceivable industry, sport, and expertise).


  • Tools to supercharge your relationship and craft not just a results plan for now, but also a process you can use every year going forward.


  • Access to a team of competent professionals to support, and propel you forward. There is nothing more powerful than having the right team at your back. And yes, this team is like none other.

Here's Why this private session Is 100% Free

Now is the time when Partners must come together to empower and support one another. That's why Joseph is generously sharing his proven tools and strategies during the Complimentary Relationship session. His only ask is that you bring all of yourself to the meeting and pass the wisdom onto your partner, and, or others.

Couple Enjoying the Ocean View

Ultimately, It’s Your Relationship, Life and Your Decision

Sign up for the relationship transformation program today. 

© 2024 Grace Coaching and Consulting. All rights reserved.

1452 Hughes Rd Suite 269, Grapevine, Texas 76052

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